We began the process by thinking big – professional video production – then quickly realized that the time it takes working with an outside video producer and the cost made it impractical. So, we downgraded to simpler in-house video production with Adobe Premier Elements and our digital camera videos. This appeared manageable as long as our media coordinator mastered the program, the surgeon edited the clips for salient segments, and our computer held up. After Premier Elements was “mastered”, the computer was upgraded to something that can render videos, and the surgeons were corralled for some clip editing, we were still left with many holes in the production process. About to give up, we were given a brilliant suggestion – Power Point videos. Voila! The process was simpler and quicker, and you can see the result below. This is not to say that the process was simple, but we are on our way.
If you would like to submit an article for the Skin Cancer Connection Blog, please, send it to blog@SCARSCenter.com. The Blog articles are distributed by this e-newsletter close to 500 physicians nationally with an interest in skin cancer. The subject matter can include skin cancer treatment, reconstruction, and related technology.